Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving? Ehhh...

Nothing makes me more uncomfortable than sharing what I'm thankful for with strangers, or pretty much anyone for that matter...So, in keeping with the spirit of my last post and really my personality, I decided to do an anti Thanksgiving post....

So here it is....the five things that annoy me and really just make me angry...

1. In appropriate questions. I come from a family that appreciates privacy and respects mine. Not everyone does that. For example, my husband and I moved in together about a month into our relationship and then waited five years to get married. In that time my parents didn't once ask when we were going to get married. In fact, the question never came up. They were the minority. Now that we are married and have been for two years, the new question turns to babies. It's never appropriate to ask me when/if I'm going to have any. If I wanted you to know, I'd tell you. In addition, just because I'm tired, sick to my stomach etc, that does not mean that I'm pregnant. In fact, just assume at all times that I'm not. Look, I'm in grad school full time and working 50 hours a week with the commute. The husband is working full time and going to school full time as well. For the next year and a half I'll be taking between two and three classes a semester along with work and writing/researching a thesis. My legs will be permanently sewn shut for foreseeable future. And while I'm on the school subject....

2. Why do people tell me I can't do something? I know that working full time and going to school full time is going to be difficult. Really, I do. In fact, I'm the only one in my program doing it. Yeah, the program isn't geared towards working adults, do I wish it was? NO! I like the fact that when I have my degree I'd be able to apply for a PhD program, if I so choose. I like that I'm pushed to publish papers. Things will be more difficult for me, but that doesn't mean its not doable. Instead of telling me I can' do it, maybe you should spend that time doing something more productive.

3. Women's pants. Every girl out there knows exactly what I'm talking about. You can go into five stores and the sizes all run differently. Plus, when you try them on in the store they always fit you differently from when you wear them once and have to wash them. I just want a size 4 to be the same at NY and Company and the that so much to ask?

4. Slow walkers and people who walk side by side on sidewalks and won't move when they see you coming. This is just rude. I've already outlined how I am a busy girl and really don't have the luxury of poking around behind you while you're window shopping. Honestly...speed it up or move out of the way. Don't you hear me almost walking up your back?

5. Clutter. I like my house to be clean and clutter free. That rarely happens. They say on Paranormal State that clutter encourages the devil to stop by and make himself at home. I don't know if I believe in the devil, or if there is a devil he'd just stop by because my place was a little messy, but I do know that I get angry when things are everywhere and a giant mess. Maybe that means the devil is stopping by and checking me out. I don't know.

Yeah I know its Thanksgiving and most people are all feeling grateful and everything, but I'm sure there is SOMETHING that annoys you! Come on...lay it on me!


jb said...

Women's pants -- OMG, seriously! No freakin store is the same when it comes to size, EVER! What the hell is up with that?


Jenniflower said...

Thanksgiving doesn't annoy me at all - I have never celebrated it!!! haha (am South African).

You are so right about store sizes - with everything tho, not just undies... a size 12 in one store is not a size 12 in another... or maybe it's just me and my weird body???

kisatrtle said...

Satan must be living at my house right now because with all the company I currently have their couldn't be more clutter! UGH

Like I said, Life like a Seinfeld episode. Much ado about nothing.

EP said...

I have some similar annoyances. People who ask inappropriate questions just KILL me. Especially when they're asking about my sex life. Really? Yeah. (I also come from a family who asks inappropriate questions.)

And women's pants bother me, too. I wish they could just streamline everything so I wouldn't feel supermodel skinny in one store only to feel like a cow in another. *sigh*